Village Sign Stats - Additional

The Village Sign statistics were last updated on 07 December 2024
Our database is updated every week, but refreshed on the website on the first weekend of each month.

If we have missed your cache out, this could be because we have not been able to automatically retrieve your listing. Please contact us to get your listing manually added to our database. Our database is updated every week, but refreshed on the website on the first weekend of the month.

Check out the Village Sign Additional Stats below!

Some Numbers on Placed caches
Nearest Village Sign placed: VS# 1 Dagnall GC46VJ4 United Kingdom
Furthest Village Sign placed: 315.53 Miles, VS#1882 - Stepps GCAKT15 United Kingdom
Most Northerly Village Sign placed: N 55° 59.175, VS#1688 - South Queensferry - Village ... GC8ZEZW United Kingdom
Most Southerly Village Sign placed: N 50° 16.058, VS#1358 Mawla GC7EQ7X United Kingdom
Most Easterly Village Sign placed: E 1° 43.593, VS#1323 Caister-on-Sea 2 GC7CH4X United Kingdom
Most Westerly Village Sign placed: W 5° 13.537, VS#1358 Mawla GC7EQ7X United Kingdom
Village Sign centroid: N 52° 05.983 E 0° 06.980
Youngest Village Sign placed: 12/10/2024, VS #1766a - Epping ¹ GCAZ3C2 United Kingdom
Oldest Village Sign placed: 22/11/2011, Village Signs #40: Steeple Claydon (former... GC36YQB United Kingdom

True Village Signs by Miles from Village Signs #1
  Number Percent  
< 5 12 0.60 %
5 - 10 16 0.81 %
10 - 15 24 1.21 %
15 - 20 53 2.68 %
20 - 25 49 2.48 %
25 - 50 515 26.1 %
50 - 100 1155 58.5 %
100 - 250 140 7.10 %
250 - 500 7 0.35 %
> 500 0 0 %

Average Distance: 63 Miles

Placed Village Signs by Type
  Number Percent  
Traditional 895 45.4 %
Multi 846 42.9 %
Mystery 161 8.16 %
Letterbox 49 2.48 %
Wherigo 10 0.50 %
Event 5 0.25 %
Earth 3 0.15 %
CITO 1 0.05 %
Virtual 1 0.05 %

Village Sign caches by Difficulty Rating

Village Sign caches by Terrain Rating

Village Sign Cache Difficulty / Terrain Chart
Difficulty 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
1 43 49 2 2 96
1.5 50 884 86 9 8 2 1 1040
2 43 363 129 27 3 1 1 567
2.5 16 97 35 14 2 1 165
3 5 33 18 8 2 66
3.5 2 10 5 1 1 19
4 7 3 3 13
4.5 1 1 1 1 4
5 1 1
161 1444 279 62 14 6 2 2 1

42 Diff/Terr combinations placed, out of 81
124 (6.2%) placed Village Signs were rated with Diff or Terr of 3 or greater

Village Sign caches found by Found Date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Jan 829 555 409 348 357 409 532 402 340 396 388 354 404 384 301 335 373 309 373 421 488 396 416 312 333 399 422 541 392 319 244 12481
Feb 266 486 447 434 461 359 357 499 295 460 551 427 426 466 489 593 827 875 628 526 523 466 495 571 570 595 476 420 356 X X 14344
Mar 387 362 328 465 839 458 446 429 423 428 524 476 527 454 461 562 549 568 711 591 519 446 558 607 856 696 612 430 512 590 640 16454
Apr 715 648 596 598 662 686 696 681 617 711 623 613 783 828 773 823 876 724 541 587 669 651 594 499 456 418 472 677 623 739 X 19579
May 772 697 461 555 672 710 758 577 503 468 517 588 606 628 549 547 482 524 603 630 728 552 509 524 679 617 852 813 875 694 743 19433
Jun 694 718 657 570 578 449 518 585 592 492 621 532 472 570 508 630 588 571 590 510 607 527 646 563 657 526 485 575 485 551 X 17067
Jul 647 695 575 479 455 466 525 572 695 548 507 557 644 643 574 637 545 638 591 631 649 625 685 626 643 640 587 696 732 874 1019 19400
Aug 932 898 967 979 931 793 733 767 849 811 713 718 800 770 886 705 844 777 772 869 808 797 668 721 869 1018 960 916 817 737 711 25536
Sep 756 639 699 662 668 593 539 575 670 603 634 601 624 486 551 541 634 544 613 547 547 576 489 560 497 479 547 495 491 415 X 17275
Oct 412 385 392 398 483 416 521 632 526 517 532 480 561 503 585 466 518 450 432 466 467 655 595 564 587 663 639 603 640 564 419 16071
Nov 400 390 387 398 724 377 480 419 328 390 397 481 447 428 360 359 404 374 438 275 297 442 350 320 387 447 267 329 328 317 X 11740
Dec 271 326 328 353 264 364 236 276 334 290 269 204 304 295 258 276 312 289 296 301 238 368 306 351 283 445 400 595 565 586 803 10786
7081 6799 6246 6239 7094 6080 6341 6414 6172 6114 6276 6031 6598 6455 6295 6474 6952 6643 6588 6354 6540 6501 6311 6218 6817 6943 6719 7090 6816 6386 4579

366 Found Dates, out of 366 (100%)

Placed caches found by Weekday
88046 Weekend Finds (43.9%) : 112120 Weekday Finds (56.1%)

Placed caches found by Month